Mahindra's plans to launch the NXR in India on track; Debut later this year
Whether or not the government introduces further subsidies for electric cars, Mahindra is determined to bring out the REVA NXR in India in 2012.
Mahindra showcased the model at the 2012 Delhi Auto Expo and our readers have been regularly spotting mules between Chennai and Bangalore.
The plans could be fast-forwarded as fuel prices have reached an all-time high in India and diesel prices are also rumored to be moving up by Rs. 5 in the near future. The car buying population is vexed with these price hikes and have started to think about alternative fuels, that could be a long term solution to this problem.
Electric cars are no doubt a far-sighted solution, but quick drop technology, fast-charge installation points and government subsidies are literally absent in India for the NXR to replace an Alto or Swift, India's two best selling cars.
We'll be watching how Mahindra sells the NXR to India who are yet to see a spacious hatchback that runs on electricity.
[Spyshot sent in by Gokulraj GK of]